Pas De Deux in the
Time of Quarantine
Pas De Deux, in the Time of Quarantine is a project, where dancers quarantined in Santiago, Chile; Los Angeles, California; Berlin Germany; Sofia, Bulgaria; Buseyi, Iganga, Uganda; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and many other locations around the world submitted videos dancing wherever they are quarantined. Videos were then paired and the stills transformed into these paintings; as if the dancers were occupying the same space, dancing, and connecting, together.

Contributing Dancers: Nicole Chochrek (Albuquerque, New Mexico. USA) Ana Rosa Manzanera (Valence, Valenciana, Spain)

Contributing Dancers: Stella Koulouvardi (Athens, Greece) Balidawa Hussein (Buseyi, Iganga, Uganda)

Contributing Dancers: Anna Zurkirchen (Brussels, Belgium) Philip McDermott and Jenn Edwards (Newfoundland, Canada)

Contributing Dancers: Nicole Chochrek (Albuquerque, New Mexico. USA) Ana Rosa Manzanera (Valence, Valenciana, Spain)
This project was created as part of the exhibition Dyads: Altered Bodies, Converging Forms Sapira Cheuk's solo exhibition at Vision Gallery in Chandler Arizona. On view from Aug. 29 to Oct. 3, 2020.
“Pas De Deux” is a ballet term that refers to a dance of two people, something difficult to achieve with physical separation, especially during the worldwide COVID 19 pandemic.
When a certain diagnosis is assigned, it alters immediately the patient’s outlook on life. It separates a diagnosed body from a non-diagnosed body - not just physically, but also psychologically. The diagnosis acts as a timestamp that separates not only the ‘normal’ healthy body from the ‘diseased’ body, but also life, pre and post-diagnosis for the patient. The quarantine orders during the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic acted similarly, at once separating and isolating. The world was collectively diagnosed, and collectively experienced loss. As the world lived through this change, folks sought out new ways of connecting and coping. The project Pas De Deux, in the time of quarantine is one way art was used to form connections and cope with that change. At the same time, the project aims to document art being produced under these historical conditions.
This project was also featured in Nevada Humanities Heart to Heart serise, find out more here.
Contributing Dancers:
Nicole Chochrek (Albuquerque, New Mexico. USA) Instagram
Ana Rosa Manzanera (Valence, Valenciana, Spain)
Stella Koulouvardi (Athens, Greece) Instagram
Balidawa Hussein (Buseyi, Iganga, Uganda)
Autumn Eckman (Tuscon, Arizona, USA.)
Diego Garrido (Barcelona, Spain) Facebook/Instagram
Kalina Georgieva Georgieva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Manuel Badás Álvarez (Barcelona, Spain)
Kalina Georgieva Georgieva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Duna Dias Viana and Socorro Dias (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brazil) Website/Instagram/Instagram/Instagram
Sol Dugatkin (Santiago, Chile) Instagram/Vimeo
Isabelle Campagne (Bergamo, Italy)
Pablo Piantino (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.)
Agustina Miranda (Berlin, Germany) Instagram
Laura Guy (Berlin, Germany) Instagram
Angela D'Alessandro (Rome, Italy)
Zoi Eleftheriou (Cyprus)
Indra Dance Company (Reus, Spain)
Eric Languet (Reunion Island, French Republic)
Diana Shepherd (Ireland) Instagram
Jenn Edwards (Newfoundland, Canada) Instagram
Su Güzey (Istanbul, Turkey)
Elena Biagini and Emma Panini (Italy) Instagram
Eva Kolarova (Montreal, Canada)
Lena Rykner (Jerusalem, Isreal)
Tejaswini Loundo (Milan, Italy) Vimeo/Instagram
John DeCastro (Los Angeles, California, USA.)
Claire Loussouarn (London, United Kingdom)
Dominique Rivoal (London, United Kingdom)
Giovanni "Messi" Messina (London, United Kingdom) Instagram
Annelise Bucher and Andrew Corpuz (Irvine, California, USA. and Vancouver, Canada)
Philip McDermott (Newfoundland, Canada) Facebook